
Navigating the End Times

NAVIGATING THE END TIMES Written by Chukwumeka Orji January 2024     From the scripture we understand that we are currently living in the Church age which began in the 1st Century AD after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This period in human history is also referred to as the last days according to Apostle […]

Merry Christmas and Compliments of the Season

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON!!! Written by Emeka Orji December 2023     This season is inarguably the most popular season globally. I’m very much aware that this season means various things to various individuals and that’s what motivates how people celebrate or what they do this season. In all the fanfare, decorations, […]

Exploring the True Meaning of Kingdom Stewardship

Exploring the True Meaning of Kingdom Stewardship Written by Emeka Orji November 2023     With the unnecessary denominationalism or denominational obsession, I see today, it’s important for us to remember that Church denominations are not the KINGDOM OF GOD, they are only agencies of GOD’S KINGDOM that facilitate our access and well-being in THE […]

The Church in Africa and Societal Transformation

The Church in Africa and Societal Transformation Written by Emeka Orji November 2023     13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. 14 Ye […]


CHRISTIANITY; WHITE MAN’S RELIGION? Written by Emeka Orji September 2023     I consider it uninformed and deceptive, the thinking/narrative of some people (especially my fellow Africans) that Christianity is white man’s Religion. This thinking is what has resulted in most of our youth returning to the religion of our fore-fathers. I think many have […]

The Divine Path

The Divine Path: Am I God, that I can punish you? Written by Mak Okay-Ikenegbu October 2013     Genesis 50:19-20 – “…Am I God, that I can punish you? you intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good…” (NLT)   Joseph exhibited an amazing act of forgiveness just as the word of […]

Kingdoms: Past, Present and Future

Kingdom: Past, Present and Future Written by Emeka Orji September 2023     God’s intent has always been to extend His Heavenly Kingdom on the earth. In other words, to rule the earth through man. It is to this end that He created and commissioned man. Therefore, man was originally created to be God’s Kingdom […]

The Big Picture: God’s Redemptive Plan for Humanity

The Big Picture: God’s Redemptive Plan for Humanity Written by Emeka Orji September 2023     In His love for humanity and in pursuit of His eternal purpose, God activated His redemptive plan for humanity the very moment the fall of man occurred at the garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and it’s worthy of note […]

Extra Step to Faith

Extra Step to Faith Written by Mak Okay-Ikenegbu January 2014   Luke 8: 43-48 – “A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding and she could find no cure. Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped…” (NLT)   How can you make […]

Questions of Life

Questions of Life Written by Mak Okay-Ikenegbu July 2023   Who am I? Whilst we acknowledge we are personalising this to make it more relevant, this applies to the world. The personalisation just speaks to the fact that we are a piece of the puzzle. We are the image of God (Genesis 1:26). This then […]

Your questions answered

Equipping the church

Equipping the church Just like Paul said in Titus 1:1-3, we serve God in BYC to further the faith of the church and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness. This is in the hope of the eternal life, which God who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time and seen […]

Promoting biblical worldview

Promoting biblical worldview BYC is committed to promoting biblical worldview in the church. That is, the values that influence how we view, critique and interact with issues of our world. It has become common knowledge that many in the church have subscribed to philosophies and thinking patterns of the secular culture.  Ironically, this is exactly […]

Continually reformed

Continually reformed In today’s culture, they say you stay relevant and successful by reflecting the value of the society you are in. Unfortunately, it has become common knowledge that this secular principle is spreading in the church like wildfire. It is consuming anything in its path, including the foundational ideologies and moral codes, fashioned from […]

Salt of the earth

Salt of the earth In today’s culture, they say you stay relevant and successful by reflecting the value of the society you are in. Unfortunately, it has become common knowledge that this secular principle is spreading in the church like wildfire. It is consuming anything in its path, including the foundational ideologies and moral codes, […]

What are we committed to?

Our mission

Our goal is to play our part in equipping the post-modern church and promoting biblical worldview.