The Big Picture:

God’s Redemptive Plan for Humanity

Written by

Emeka Orji

September 2023



In His love for humanity and in pursuit of His eternal purpose, God activated His redemptive plan for humanity the very moment the fall of man occurred at the garden of Eden (Genesis 3) and it’s worthy of note that this plan had been in place from the foundation of the world (Rev.13:8).

God’s dealings with Noah, Abraham and his descendants as recorded in the Old Testament are all in preparation for the redemption of humanity. In His wisdom, God chose and used the Israelites to reveal His character and purposes to humanity. At the appropriate time, God executed His plan of redemption through the BIRTH, DEATH and RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST in accordance with all the prophecies that went forth beforehand. By REDEMPTION, God provided another opportunity for man (humanity) to be RECONCILED/RECONNECTED back to Him and partake of DIVINE LIFE and NATURE. By REDEMPTION, GOD RESTORED

His KINGDOM on earth. This is the very MISSION of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the glory of God, He accomplished this through His shed blood on the cross, resurrection, ascension to Heaven and enthronement (Rev. 5:9,10, Col.1:13,14, Eph.1:19-23, Matthew 28:16-18).

It’s close to 2000 years now that Jesus Christ walked this earth, preaching about the KINGDOM OF GOD and ETERNAL LIFE as we can see from the four gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John). He raised and commissioned Apostles and disciples to carry on with His message (Matthew 28:16-20). As Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven and in fulfilment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, the Church was born/inaugurated on the day of Pentecost (a Jewish festival, Acts 1: 1-11, Acts 2). The propagation of the Gospel (The Good News of God’s Kingdom) has continued from then till now and spiritually, Jesus Christ has been establishing the Kingdom in the hearts of men (Luke 17:20,21) and He’s coming back soon for the physical establishment of God’s Kingdom which will eventually usher in the much-desired lasting PEACE and BLISS IN OUR WORLD (Isaiah 9:6,7, Daniel 2:44, 7:27).

However, there are several events that will precede the physical establishment of God’s Kingdom as we can see from the list below;

  1. The Rapture of the Church (Isaiah 26:19-21, Matthew 24:36-44, John 14:1-3, 1 Cor.15:51,52, 1 Thess.4:15-17, 5:1-11, 2 2:7, Rev.3:10). This event marks the end of the CHURCH AGE/DISPENSATION OF GRACE.
  2. The emergence and reign of the Antichrist and the false prophet (Daniel 9: 26-27, Rev.13, Rev.17:9-12)
  3. The Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:15-22)
  4. The marriage supper of the Lamb with Her bride “the Church” (Rev.19: 1-10)
  5. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ to physically establish His Kingdom (Rev. 19:11-20, Matthew 24:29,30)
  6. The Millennial Reign of Christ with all the Saints (Rev. 20:4-6)

The following events will then happen after the millennial reign;

  1. The great white throne judgement and eternal punishment in the lake of fire of Satan and all his demons and everyone whose name is not in the book of life (Rev.20:10-15)
  2. The New Heaven and the New Earth (Rev.21)


It’s important we understand that God in His wisdom chose the Nation of Israel for the purpose of executing His plan of Redemption for humanity, the Nation of Israel remains His covenant Nation and His covenant and promises to them are still valid. In other words, God still keeps His covenant with them and will still fulfil His promises communicated in the scriptures to them.

It is true that most of the Jews are yet to acknowledge/accept Jesus Christ as their promised Messiah and King and this is because of their spiritual blindness which is a consequence of their rejection of Jesus Christ in His first coming.

Interestingly, God has a plan for their SALVATION as explained in Romans 11. This plan is actually, part of the end time events which God already communicated through His faithful servants such as Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hosea, Zechariah, John the apostle.

Notable among these events is the remaining 1week (7 years) of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy (Daniel 9: 24-27) which is actually GOD’S PROPHETIC TIMELINE for the Jews.

It’s therefore left for us to study and understand all the information which God has already communicated as well as correctly align ourselves with His agenda and live with the consciousness of the BIG PICTURE.


 Emeka Orji

Product of my personal contemplations aimed at enhancing our understanding and deepening our conviction.

Reviewed and endorsed by spiritual mentors.