Written by

Emeka Orji

September 2023



I consider it uninformed and deceptive, the thinking/narrative of some people (especially my fellow Africans) that Christianity is white man’s Religion. This thinking is what has resulted in most of our youth returning to the religion of our fore-fathers.

I think many have embraced this deception because of the following reasons:

  1. Their inability to distinguish between Colonialism which is majorly for economic reasons and true Christianity which is all about the propagation of the GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD (THE GOSPEL).
  2. Their inability to distinguish between the true Church whose mission is to serve the interest of God and His Kingdom on earth and the State established Religions whose mission is to serve the interest of their State/Nation.
  3. Their inability to distinguish between personal enterprise established to pursue personal ambition and heavenly visions given by God to individuals as specific missions which are subset of the GREAT COMMISSION – Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:19,20).

It’s important we’re reminded that Christianity didn’t start in the West (White man’s country), rather it all began in the Middle East (Jerusalem Israel) precisely in the 1st century (Acts 2). Through missionary activities, this spread to the western world and some of their ancestors that were pagans got converted and embraced Christianity. Through their active participation in the society and application of God’s Kingdom/Biblical principles, they were able to establish and build their Nations.

It’s true that in the course of propagation of the Gospel over the years, there has been cultural influences, interferences and adulterations. It’s also true that most of the descendants of the white race have now abandoned the “Person behind the Principles” that transformed their nations but that’s another discuss. But the truth remains that the “West” used their so called “Religion” to transform their society. The question now is “WHY HAS OUR AFRICAN SOCIETY NOT ATTAINED A DESIRABLE LEVEL OF TRANSFORMATION”?

As we ponder on this, it’s important that we’re all reminded that the key to sustainable national/societal transformation begins with individual/personal transformation. Furthermore, individual/personal transformation begins with the regeneration of the heart and renewal of the mind of an individual. It’s also my belief that societal transformation is as a result of intimate relationship with God (not necessarily religious activities) and continual, correct application of His Principles as contained in the Manual of life (The Bible).

It’s my heartfelt prayer that our Christianity should result in societal transformation.🙏